Tuesday, July 04, 2006

food, i die!


When you are hungry, how will you feel? And how long can you stand for not eating and drinking before you collapse? Or perhaps hunger means more than that.

CASE number 1: This idea of getting hungry happened upon circumstance reason or maybe because of lack of food supply. It happens everywhere in this world. And hungriness is a simple reason for freedom. Food is something that is hardly can’t be resist. It is a nature of existence. When talking about hungry, I remember this good movie called shaheed, an Indian movie, story about the Indian Revolution that happen on the world war when the British taking control most of the Indian region part. The Indian revolutionist strike against British by not eating for almost a week and one of them died. For them, it is a hunger strike for a change. A remarkable thing. And always will be remember by the people who are hunger for liberation and freedom.

CASE number 2: And on the other side of the world, African nation are the highlight spot for world starvation. The economical destruction brought by modern capitalism system had infected many side of the world with shortage of food supply. IMF or World Bank cant promise everything because every sector of industrial and agricultural had been controlled by the power. So starvation and hunger is no longer crime nowadays. It is just a thing that some people plea for an end. And some of the people just ignore it, as long as they got enough foods to eat.

CASE number 3: At some part of the world, the country that based on materialism and mostly the developed country, people always complain for not getting a healthy food supply. They are hunger for healthy food that means, less MSG, less sugar, healthier one. So, they do diet to avoid getting sick and to keep their heart secure, they buy low fat milk, they buy everything that will save their soul for not getting sick. But most of the time, they just sat at home, go to work and do some hard work in order to get some money. The money they got roll back, buy some unnecessary things just to save their boring soul. To feel happy based on materialism and healthier food. And for some of the thin people with high body metabolism, they will try to eat more and more in order to get an ideal body, sexy body, and six packs whatsoever. So they consume more meat and feeling unsafe with their thin and unsexy body. They are the slave of setup. "I don’t care losing more money for food as long as I got the body as good as arnold swhashkdshnegger. Yuck".

CASE number 4: Many rich people in this world, be it kings, CEO for some corporate company, prime minister, owner of big multinational company etc will not having a problem about food supplement. The only things they care are hunger for more and more money. They living in the safe state and they don’t have nothing to worry about the food. The only things they worried are "Don’t eat too much", although the reality is they eat too fucking much. They can buy a 200 dollar wine or hundred dollar ostrich beef without realize they can feed too many people that refer to the CASE no.2. They bring so many reflection the the CASE no.2 people and sometimes reflected to the CASE no.1 people too.

So you can see the different between most of the case. But for me hungriness is still an important part of living. It is a feeling that can be express in many ways. I always end up feeling hungry in my bedroom and having no power to live the life on the day. Hunger is an act of self-motivation on certain way. You can feel the freedom by getting hungry. You can feel the power of solidarity by feeling hungry. And when it come to friendship, you will always don’t want to see your friends or girlfriends or family getting hungry without a food to eat. You will always help them when people feel hungry. It is a special feeling that people not always care about.
You will always talk this word hunger. No wonder there is a song "I hunger, hunger for yourrr touch". People talk about the word hunger in many different soundscape. About sacrifice, about living, about sharing, about humanitarian, about love.

And when people realize about the word HUNGRY IS A PART OF FREEDOM, one day the world will getting better. But most of the time, people that rules the world (the number 4 CASE people), blind to see this. They own much money, and perhaps they have the money to support all the African starving people, but they unable to see that. They rape the people right by taking control every economical sector.

And when my friends told me about a workers at FELDA programme that got extra minimum wages for the work they done, I know it is all been taken. Land had been set to certain property of the rich. The project that should be supporting the people, end up making rich people richer. And at last hungriness happen everywhere because everything is under property of the rich. In case you don’t know that the world is now under control by minority of certain people.
And some more story, when I work as a kitchen helper at one hotel, I use to do the job to serve royal kings dinner. And the total food for each person if I'm not mistaken is more than 300 RM. And they are served by special beef from New Zealand, a chicken soup made by wild chicken stock, the most expensive chocolate in the world, finest wine in the world, bla bla bla. All night, I serve them to get some money to eat later. All the laugh and expensive food was brought to them by this orthodox old system that chooses kings as a people who control the country. I just simply can say that stuff is not valid anymore for the people who have a lot of common sense nowadays, the free people like us. As a contribution to the humanitarian, the royal serve nothing. They don’t have anything to be worship for except of using the money that coming from where else except of our own hard work of daily boring 9 - 5 jobs. They are the most ungrateful people in this world if you asked me. And at that time I know hungry will be forever, immortal things to talk about. I will always remember this song "DAULAT TUANKU" from butterfingers. Simply genius and brave stuff....... LAGU INI TAKKAN BERHENTI.................................................

Maybe this is a self-opinion of mine. And the blood rush to the head when you are not eating. Then you will realize that you are not alone. The other part of the world feels the same as you. I smile and wake up again on the next day for another meal. The routine goes on and on. And I hope you will eat something and not feeling hungry in the morning as you have to work hard for the rest of the day. CERITA INI JUGA TAKKAN BERHENTI......................................... DAN HARAP AKAN BERAKHIR.....

Playlist: Children of fall "Ignition for poort hearts" CD


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