Friday, July 07, 2006

Sleeping Disorder!

Im perhaps in sleeping disorder.. A cup of kopi tongkat ali wont keep my nerve stop shaking.. And a bottle of beer also cant keep my eyes wide open....
I read this one article that around 50 - 70 million people only in american happen to face this sleeping disorder problematic. And sure it is a big number..
And the result is: hypertension, diabetes, obesity, depression, heart attack, and stroke.

Let face that i dont know whether i got this diabetis, obesity, heart attack or stroke.. Last time im going to the hospital, the doctor say my blood pressure is ok, and im not getting any dengue infection (perhaps im hallucinate with the fact that i got the dengue infection :P).

How bout depression and hypertension.. Last time i sleep only 3 hours for 2 days.. I aint imsonia.. far from it.. Coz i can sleep as long as 14 hours in one shot.. I can do longer.. But sometimes i sleep in a long period and sometimes I sleep in a short period.. And without any meaning or necessity to prove that medication research is true, I got weird feeling for not sleeping.... First overreact, second blurry, and the most dangerous one is my penis will turn to be in the unstable mood.. :P

I dont know how this feel but now i dont have enough sleep... I aint write this if im normal but now im feeling not really normal for sleeping disorder.. I wonder how it feel for having imsomnia or taking too much "ice" drugs.. it will be soooo bad duh..
I can stand flu or headache or muscle pull, but sometimes i just feel that I cant stand sleeping disorder...